Submitted by arjones85 on Tue, 04/08/2014 - 23:36
The bug is in the subject line. When generating a new CSR it should be using the private key out of ssl.newkey. Otherwise the new CSR is useless if you are trying to change your keys :)
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by arjones85 on Wed, 04/09/2014 - 00:35 Comment #1
Scratch this, I think I've actually discovered a bug with namecheap's reissue system. They seem to be using the CSR from the previous reissue attempt as opposed to the new one I give them.
This bug can be closed.
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 04/09/2014 - 00:40 Comment #2
Okay, sounds good -- that would explain why I was having trouble reproducing that :-)
Have a good evening!