Dovecot is not accepting a new SSL certificate

I used to copy newly installed SSL certificate to services on Manage SSL Certificate window and used to have the following confirmation:

This SSL certificate is already being used by : Postfix, Usermin, Webmin, Dovecot

However, now for some reason Dovecot is not accepting the certificate and I have only:

This SSL certificate is already being used by : Postfix, Usermin, Webmin

When I click on "Copy to Dovecot" button, I get:

Copying certificate and key to Dovecot files ..
.. wrote out certificate in /etc/pki/dovecot/certs/dovecot.pem, key in /etc/pki/dovecot/private/dovecot.pem and CA cert in /etc/pki/dovecot/certs/dovecot.pem
Enabling SSL in Dovecot configuration ..
.. done

But when I click on "Manage SSL Certificate" link I see:

This SSL certificate is already being used by : Postfix, Usermin, Webmin

"Copy to Dovecot" Use this certificate in Dovecot for SSL-protected IMAP and POP3 connections.




Can you check if the cert in /etc/pki/dovecot/certs/dovecot.pem is the same as the one in the domain's ~/etc directory?

The domains cert files are located in /home/username directory and not in /home/username/etc. And yes they are the same.

Also, which Virtualmin version are you running there? The most recent release fixed a problem with the detection of already installed certs.

We decided to move the websites on this system to another server as it seemed to be not fixable. Thank you!

I have the same issue on Debian 7. I think it uses the cert. But it remains as copy to dovecot :(

Tried this on multiple servers. It's still not fixed. It might be a cosmetic bug, but it still annoys me :(

If anyone who is still seeing this would be willing to grant the Virtualmin dev team access to their system to debug it further, please email me at