Multiple versions of php

The documentation on this page is awesome:

but it seems like this repo has been removed:


Looks like things here will be around for awhile

More specifically the CENTOS SCL repo

[scl] name=CentOS-$releasever - SCL baseurl=$releasever/SCL/$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6

Here's a list of things already built for 6.5

I'm in the process of removing the old SCL from my system so I haven't tested these yet, but thought it would be nice to get the documentation updated since it helped me so much!

Thanks again guys I really can't say enough great things about virtualmin. It was probably the best move I made in awhile! :)



I think that repo only contains 64-bit packages. Eric - do you know the state of this repository?

Thanks for the info -- I'm looking the above repositories, I'll respond back here with some more info regarding all that.

I also posted about this as well, Remi will not be maintaining those packages anymore.

The version in the repository is the latest available from Red Hat.

Scientific linux maintains the same repository, but they also have i386 packages as well.

Yes Jamie as far as I can tell it's just 64 bit.

Here's a post announcing centos' testing SCL's

And here is the official page on their wiki

The datestamp on the SCL directory is 12-21 as is the datestamp on all of the files in SCL/x86_64.

So I'm guessing it became "official" on 12-21? Just a guess.

Ip86: thanks for re-posting that link! I don't know how I missed it. I'd thought I searched here properly. In my searching I did see that Scientific linux also had these packages but didn't feel comfortable using that. But then again I also don't want to have to build all of these things myself.

Hahah! Takes me back to the Solaris days when you had to build everything ./configure && make && make install (if you were lucky!) Now I'm so lazy (read: efficient) I don't even want to build an RPM.

Anyway thanks all let me know if you need anything from me!


Since we've got a few folks subscribed to this thread, I'll post an update in here :-)

Have you guys been using this particular CentOS SCL repository? Is that something you're using in production?

And have you run into any problems or gotchas with it?

I was preparing to update the Virtualmin documentation regarding that, but wanted to check with some folks who may have been using that repository first.

I switched the 32 machines that are using php54 to this repository right after I posted this, haven't seen any problems.

There haven't been any updates to php54 since Dec last year. However mariadb55 just got updated, so the repository is active and being maintained.

These packages and the ones provided by Remi are pretty much the same, recompiled from RH sources. There seems to be some issue with RH not liking things going in "/opt/rh" So I expect there may be some change in the future.