WordPress can't find the database.

WordPress can't find the database.

Re installed many times and get the same error. The Apache logfile indicated the following:

File does not exist: /home/myecogardens/public_html/wp-admin

But the file does exist. ?? - Scott



If you open the wp-config.php file under /home/myecogardens/public_html , does it have the correct login and password for the domain's MySQL database?

Yes, it does have the correct login. That is what is so puzzling. However, it could be related to upgrading mySQL to the latest. That is about the time things stopped working right. Any chance that updating mySQL could be the issue? Another bug perhaps?

Operating system CentOS Linux 6.5 Perl version 5.010001 Path to Perl /usr/bin/perl Apache version 2.2.15 PHP versions 5.3.3 Webalizer version 2.21-02 Logrotate version 3.7.8 MySQL version 5.1.71 ProFTPd version 1.33

Are other websites on your server able to access MySQL -- is this the only site experiencing this problem? Or are all sites having a similar problem now?

All current sites have no problem at all. There are several WordPress sites that work fine. I just tried another experiment and found out that somehow it introduced the "/" into the password. I manually edited the file and it works now. I did not notice anything wrong yesterday with the values in the wp-config.php but maybe I missed that. If I have to edit each file before a WordPress will work I can live with that. No big deal. The password was suppose to be KeyLargo$4 but it was KeyLargo/$4 that got inserted. Weird. I have another question that is not related and will start a different thread. Thanks.