I recently restored virtual servers from a backup due to HDD failure.
After the backup, the email/ftp accounts are not listed under 'Edit Users' even though all the user folders do exist under 'homes' in that particular server.
Whereas email/ftp users are listed for other users on this machine, except for this one which is the main name server
When I click on Edit Virtual Server, this is what I see:
My question here is why 2.05 GB is not shown/included in the total disk space used?
May be that'll serve as a clue of some sorts....
Home disk space used (including sub-servers) 21.83 MB (2.05 GB by server administrator, 0 bytes by mail / FTP users) Space used by databases 7.34 MB (7.34 MB in this server, 0 bytes in sub-servers) Total disk space used 29.17 MB
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 01/24/2014 - 12:44 Comment #2
That's odd - do the users exist in the
file ?NO
Submitted by andreychek on Fri, 01/24/2014 - 13:17 Comment #4
Do you happen to have the output that's generated whenever restoring that particular backup file? I'm curious if there's any clues in the output as to why the users weren't created.
I didn't save it externally. If Virtualmin saves the output, then it is in the machine! I just don't know where Virtualmin saves them if it does...
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 01/24/2014 - 13:29 Comment #6
You may be able to see it at Webmin -> Webmin Actions Log, if you did the restore from the GUI.
I found one titled 'restored 119 virtual servers,' is the one which I believe contains log for bislinks.com too.
But it is not loading in the browser: may be because it is too big....the browser is hanging up....
Aha, I found it. It was not among the 119!
The log shows that only the main user (bislinks) was restored to /etc/passwd.
I tested the same backup file on another Machine with VMIN GPL in which all email/FTP accounts (along with the main user bislinks) were restored and which do get listed out when I click 'Edit Users'
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 01/24/2014 - 15:05 Comment #9
The only way I can see for this to happen is if during the original restore, the option to re-create mail users was disabled?
I don't remember if I disabled that option during restore.
Is there anyway I can just restore the emails alone?
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 01/24/2014 - 16:34 Comment #11
Yes, when restoring you can change "Features to restore" to "Only those selected below", and check on "Mail/FTP users and mail aliases".
This will restore only mail accounts though, not email files