Submitted by q7joey on Fri, 01/17/2014 - 10:45
spamassassin gets run very early in the process and can waste a lot of resources when other tests will just cause autoreply to exit. so i think that the start/end date, time between replies, and any other lightweight tests should be run before spamassassin is invoked. it might also be nice to have the spamassassin check look at the virtualmin setup to see if spam filtering is even enabled for the user/site/server.
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 01/17/2014 - 11:28 Comment #1
Good suggestion - I will fix this in the next Webmin release.
Submitted by Issues on Fri, 01/31/2014 - 11:31 Comment #2
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.