Submitted by zerocoldgm on Mon, 11/04/2013 - 07:48
1) there is a tool to be installed on virtualmin that supervises in a visual way what happens on a domain (emails sent - which email account is sending spam-bandwidth used - ETCC ETCC)
2) in Administrator account can in - Edit User - user - Quota and home directory settings - see the voice - home directory - Instead, when users when they log in as Domain Owner does not have this entry ... how do I enable it?
3) is there a way to disable sending of mail (smtp) for certain domains?
Many Thanksssssssssssssssss
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by andreychek on Mon, 11/04/2013 - 08:22 Comment #1
there is a tool to be installed on virtualmin that supervises in a visual way what happens on a domain (emails sent - which email account is sending spam-bandwidth used - ETCC ETCC)
There isn't any tracking for how many emails were sent, per-domain.
You can see information about how much bandwidth was used by email though by looking in System Settings -> Bandwidth Monitoring -> Show Usage graph.
in Administrator account can in - Edit User - user - Quota and home directory settings - see the voice - home directory - Instead, when users when they log in as Domain Owner does not have this entry ... how do I enable it?
You can enable the ability for a Virtual Server owner to set a user's home directory by going into System Settings -> Virtualmin Config -> Server Administrator Permissions, and there, you can set "Can select home directories for users" to "Yes".
is there a way to disable sending of mail (smtp) for certain domains?
Virtualmin doesn't currently support a way to disable able sending email. However, we have been exploring the ability to setup email rate limiting on a per-user and per-domain basis, with the help of a Postfix plugin, and we hope to include that functionality in an upcoming Virtualmin version.
Submitted by zerocoldgm on Mon, 11/04/2013 - 10:08 Comment #2
Many Thanksssssssssssssssssssss..!!!!!!!!