Mailing lists are not scanned for SPAM or viruses

When using the Mailman service under a Virtual Server, it seems messages sent towards the mailing list do not get scanned for SPAM or viruses. When foreign users are subscribed to a mailing list (e.g. not "local" on the same system) they recieve unscanned content.

This behaviour is unexpected. When scanning is enabled for a Virtual Server, one expects the messages being scanned as well.

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- you're correct, email to Mailman mailing lists aren't spam and virus scanned.

Spam and virus scanning is performed on user accounts within a Virtual Server, during the email delivery process.

That is, once Postfix determines that the user account exists, and passes the email along to procmail in order to deliver the email, procmail calls SpamAssassin and ClamAV, if that particular Virtual Server is configured to use those.

In the case of Mailman, procmail isn't involved in the process. Email is given to Mailman rather than procmail.

Unfortunately, that means that SpamAssassin and ClamAV can't be used when working with Mailman lists.

Hi Andrey,

Thank you. Then I'll just create local users and have the messages forwarded using a filter so procmail is able to process the message and feed it to spamc and friends.

Cheers, Kees