I've got a basic DNS setup working:
ns1 - (webmin) ns2 - (webmin) www - (virtualmin)
So the real master is since it is creating all of the zones. ns1 and ns2 are slave and externally accessible for the world to see but www isn't.
What I noticed in named.conf on ns1 is:
zone "test2.com" { type slave; masters {;; }; ...
and on ns2
zone "test2.com" { type slave; masters {;; }; ...
So each slave has the other slaves IP address in the masters block but that doesn't seem right to me? I've looked and looked through the configuration virtualmin but can't seem to find the problem.
Could you point me in the right direction or let me know if this is intended and why?
Thanks!!! Aaron
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sun, 08/11/2013 - 21:13 Comment #1
Yes, that is expected - it means that the slaves can transfer from each other if needed. Because a serial number is used to track zone file versions, there is no danger of an old version being transferred.
Submitted by aaronstpierre on Mon, 08/12/2013 - 15:41 Pro Licensee Comment #2
Hi Jamie,
I found this option in the Bind Module config
Add other slave IP addresses to list of masters on slaves?
I had it set to yes and when I changed it to no the host was removed from the masters section.
I thought it was the allow-transfer option that allowed the zone to be transferred and the masters section was reserved for the actual master or the host holding the authoritative zone information.
Please correct me if I'm wrong or missing something here.
Thanks! Aaron
Submitted by JamieCameron on Mon, 08/12/2013 - 16:35 Comment #3
The allow-transfer directive controls who can do transfers.
The masters block controls which other servers a server will transfer from.
Submitted by aaronstpierre on Mon, 08/12/2013 - 20:05 Pro Licensee Comment #4
Hi Jamie,
OK cool so in this case it is actually a good idea to have the slaves in the masters block as it adds redundancy.
I couldn't stop saying to myself "but it's not a master". In the end who really cares as long as the slave can transfer the zone.
Sweet thanks a lot and thanks for being patient with me! :)