Virtualmin will not open after install and valadation check

I have just loaded a new box with openSUSE 12.3 + Webmin + Virtualmin gpl (all latest code) + Virtualmin template

I used the Virtualmin Check Configuration and sorted out any issues that I had. (typically software needed I had forgotten and turning off SUexex in server templates).

I now run the configuration checker and I have the final line " ... your system is ready for use by Virtualmin"

If I now try and open Virtualmin all I have is an empty page with the text

"No Virtual servers have been created yet"

I can get back to the usual starting page with "Re-Check ... , Manage enabled .. and Edit Server..." by making a single change in Module Config.

I've really grown used to Suse and like it a lot, I'd to have to change but if I do have to is there any particular one I should consider.

Many Thanks


p.s. I've never seen this issue before and it's my third suse box I am building.



Howdy -- hmm, could you post a screenshot of the issue you're seeing?

Also, do you see any errors listed in /var/webmin/miniserv.error?

And lastly -- you mentioned that you made a change in the Module Config -- what change did you make in order to get things working again?

Difficult to post a screenshot but it's an empty page with just the words ""No Virtual servers have been created yet""

It would seem that any change in module config resets Virtualmin back to the opening page.


two possible causes found in miniserver log.

It's complaining that

PERL module AUTHEN::PAM needed for PAM is not installed -- cut -- BEGIN failed -- compilation aborted at (eval 13) line 1 (and I can not find the module to down load but this only happened once on an earlier try but PAM is loaded)

/left.css : File not found - this seems to be the only issue last time I tried.


I think I solved it myself, if in webmin themes I change it to the virtualmin then I think that I have it working. But it's all different from the page that I grew to love and understand :) and it forced me to create a virtual server that I do not need!

Is there a way to get back to all the information being in the right panel on a single page?

Thanks for the help the missing .css was a bit of a clue!


To use Virtualmin, you would indeed need to use the Virtualmin Framed Theme.

Is it possible that in the past, you were using just Webmin, and not Virtualmin?

No, always used webmin and virtualmin together. Just looked on my old web server (Suse 11.1 based) and that's using the "Blue Framed Theme" and runs bot webmin and virtualmin perfectly.

One of the keys for me is the Virtualmin backup / restore capabilities + it keeps me honest.


It is highly recommended to use the Virtualmin framed theme. While you can access the Virtualmin module also with other themes, it's much more cumbersome that way. Check out the VFT and you'll see what I mean. :)