Why filesystem backups do not require running Webmin and backups are created normallyl, while user backups (those that you set up in Virtualmin section) are not processed when Webmin is stopped? Why just not add it to Linux cron jobs?
When I do user backups, I started to have an error, that is not defined explicitly, for example:
8 servers backed up successfully, 1 had errors. 9 Virtualmin configuration settings backed up successfully.
It says what server that was but if you exclude that server than same thing happens with the other virtual server? Why this could be happening?
Besides new feature Include logs directory
when you select it and safe a schedule is not saved and when you return back to the scheduled user backup that feature (Include logs directory) is again unselected?
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 08:04 Comment #1
Why filesystem backups do not require running Webmin and backups are created normallyl, while user backups (those that you set up in Virtualmin section) are not processed when Webmin is stopped? Why just not add it to Linux cron jobs?
The Webmin and Virtualmin backup processes work differently and have different requirements. It was a recent design choice to spawn the Virtualmin backups from within the Webmin process, in large part for efficiency reasons.
When I do user backups, I started to have an error, that is not defined explicitly, for example:
If you go into Backup and Restore -> Backup Logs, and select a recent log of a backup that failed, can you paste in the output from the section "Full backup output"? The actual errors may be visible in that section.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 12:18 Comment #2
Eventually filesystem backups will also require that Webmin be running - we are working on moving all scheduled functions like this into the Webmin server process, to reduce memory used.
What if you have 128GB of RAM on your server? It wouldn't matter right? Thus, it should be optional!
Jammie, are you saying that creating a Cron job in standard crond will outweigh running Webmin/Virtualmin with its own cron jobs? Are you serious? ;)
I obviously checked logs absolutely nothing is there! I suspect this, as only that virtual-server has this statement in particular:
Copying Logrotate configuration .. .. no log rotation configuration found!
How do I fix it? Why do you think it could be happening? I just couldn't find log rotation information on this domain for some reason? Could it be this?
P.S. Do not try to attach a user to Webmin/Virtualmin like CPanel for instance. Most experienced people, I think, will not use it. Everything should be optional. I realize that for you as for creator it's additional work, but I believe it will worth it! I would suggest to be able to install modules and features upon installation or to have greater post installation setup process. Webmin/Virtualmin should be install with minimal features and then you must be able activate/install those upon initial setup. Now it's visa versa you must de-install modules you don't use. For instalnce what do you need Postgresql for? What do you think?
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 17:03 Comment #4
It sounds like the log rotation configuration for that particular Virtual Server may be missing.
It's possible to regenerate that though -- you can regenerate the log rotation configuration by running this command:
virtualmin disable-feature --domain example.com --logrotate
virtualmin enable-feature --domain example.com --logrotate
In place of "example.com", you'd want to enter the domain of the domain that's throwing that error.