I have almost finished (actually completely finished) installing and set-upping mail on my server!
I have one more question that I'm not sure of: How spam feature works under webmin settings?
- Is it locally filtered only depending on my settings? Where are those settings? Or it uses some external spam DB?
- What does report spam feature do? How to report spam from roundcubemail or IMAP?
- Which software in particular do I need to make spam feature work?
- What is saslauth is used for?
Submitted by andreychek on Sun, 05/05/2013 - 07:52 Comment #1
Is it locally filtered only depending on my settings? Where are those settings? Or it uses some external spam DB?
Spam filtering is done via SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin comes with a large database of rules it uses for determining what is, and isn't, spam.
You can configure SpamAssassin in Webmin -> Servers -> SpamAssassin.
What does report spam feature do? How to report spam from roundcubemail or IMAP?
The "Report Spam" button trains SpamAssassin regarding what is spam, which can further improve spam detection.
To do this using RoundCube or another email client, you can forward the spam to "spamtrap@yourdomain.tld" (that only works if the email is sent from yourdomain.tld).
Which software in particular do I need to make spam feature work?
If you installed Virtualmin with the install.sh script, you have all the software needed for Spam filtering (SpamAssassin, and all it's dependencies). You just need to make sure the Spam Filtering feature is enabled in Virtualmin (which it is by default).
What is saslauth is used for?
Saslauth is used for email authentication, and works together with Postfix.
To do this using RoundCube or another email client, you can forward the spam to "spamtrap@yourdomain.tld" (that only works if the email is sent from yourdomain.tld).
Is there a way to do it from the command line to supply arguments?
Submitted by andreychek on Sun, 05/12/2013 - 17:59 Comment #3
The simplest way is to forward the email message... but if you happen to know where the email is located on the filesystem, you can use the sa-learn program with the --spam or --ham parameter from the command line.
This is great finally made it work like Gmail on Rouncube with markasjunk2 plugin and using sa-learn command for both spam and ham! Thanks a lot for your advice!!