I have several domains which had them housed in a "Synology NAS" with their virtual domains. Which had the following configuration:
folder> dominio1.com folder> www.dominio1.com folder1> dominio2.com folder1> www.dominio2.com folder2> dominio3.com folder2> www.dominio3.com
The problem is that when you enter any of the pages with me entered his domain and corresponding domain location. I created the same domains with Virtualmin configurator in principle is good, but when I access any of the domains I open the folder corresponding domain. So, I will have one common page.
indicate that an ip synology was used generally for all domains. In Virtualmin've done the same, is a shared local IP for all domains. I do not know that it does not work as it happens. It should work since the configurator to generate Virtualmin virtual domains should foresee that right? What is going wrong? Thanks in advance
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 04/16/2013 - 17:26 Comment #1
Howdy -- well, we're unfortunately not familiar with setting up Virtualmin on a Synology NAS.
Also, since the Support area here is for folks using Virtualmin Pro -- as it looks like you're using Virtualmin GPL, what you may want to do is ask that question in the Forums to see if anyone there has tried that before.
Submitted by jespoting on Tue, 04/16/2013 - 18:13 Comment #2
Hello, I think I've understood well.
I have Virtualmin pro!
What I meant was that I worked well virtual domains in synology instead on pro Virtualmin not working! So if you think this is my place and not the forums. Come on, I think to acquire the license Virtualmin pro I have the right to support, is not it?
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 04/16/2013 - 19:09 Comment #3
You're absolutely right, you do indeed have Virtualmin Pro.
For some reason, your license wasn't showing up in your account when I first looked -- but that's working properly now. Sorry for the confusion.
I'm not sure I understand the problem you're having though... is there any chance you could explain the problem you're having in more detail?
Submitted by woltronix on Tue, 04/16/2013 - 19:52 Comment #4
Yeah, right. And excuse me, the problem was mine because I did not log the account with the company but with mine personnel.
I do not speak English well, so I hope to explain in the best way possible.
I have several domains ..: dominio1.com, dominio2.com and dominio3.com
Before hiring "pro vitualmin" I stayed several domains in one of my Synology NAS. In the NAS to associate virtual domains to the corresponding folders ... just did the following:
The hosts came away from an option in which you put the name of the domain and beside the name of the folder you want to be associated with it. So, if I get into dominio1.com really be reading the folder I have previously associated with the domain.
Now comes my problem with "Virtualmin pro".
I created several virtual hosts associated with multiple domains I have. I uploaded the websites for each virtual host. The problem is that to get to any of the web pages I go to the websites associated with each domain. So, if I put a page called index2.php in dominio1.com, but entered the page dominio2.com/index2.php works and it should not be as index2.php is only for dominio1.com. Basically not resolve the locations associated with the domains. For example in Ubuntu that has to do with the "sites-enabled". I do not understand is if I have done something wrong or is there really any virtual host policy setting is not well Virtualmin.
I hope I explained well. Thanks for your help
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 04/16/2013 - 22:16 Comment #5
Okay, I think I understand -- it sounds like you're saying that when you browse to domain2.com, it's actually showing you the website content of domain1.com?
That usually means that there is some kind of IP address mismatch between Apache, and your server.
The key to resolving that is to make sure that the IP addresses listed in Apache are the same as your primary IP address, which you can determine by running "/sbin/ifconfig".
There's a section in the documentation here titled "The Wrong Website Shows Up" which describes how to troubleshoot the problem you're seeing:
Try the suggestions listed there, and let us know if that helps!