create-domain commands cant create unix-user properly.

When i run virtualmin create-domain cli command, it doesn't create unix-user and some of tasks give error.

I can create domains via web interface.

These are commands which i tried to use.

virtualmin create-domain --domain --pass 123456 --email --plan plan1 --features-from-plan

virtualmin create-domain --domain --pass 123456 --email --plan plan1 --features-from-plan --user user1

virtualmin create-domain --domain --pass 123456 --email --plan plan1 --features-from-plan --user user1 --group user1

And this is the output of the command.

Beginning server creation ..

Creating home directory ..
.. done

Creating mailbox for administration user ..
.. done

Adding new virtual website ..
Unknown id: user1
Unknown id: user1
Unknown id: user1
Unknown id: user1
.. done

Performing other Apache configuration ..
Unknown id: user1
Unknown id: user1
Unknown id: user1
.. configuration failed : Failed to copy /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini to /home/user1/etc/php5/php.ini :  at ../ line 1361.

Setting up log file rotation ..
.. done

Adding DAV directives to website configuration ..
Unknown id: user1
.. DAV Login failed! : virtualmin-dav::feature_setup failed : Failed to open /home/user1/etc/dav.digest.passwd : No such file or directory at ../ line 1361, <readout3> line 1.

Applying web server configuration ..
.. done

Saving server details ..
.. done

All done!
Closed (fixed)


In that plan "plan1", is the "Administration user" enabled in the list of features?

Also, there is a Virtualmin bug here - it shouldn't have allowed you to select such a plan in the first place. I'll fix that in the next release.

"administrator user" wasn't selected. when i select it, problem solved. thanks for help.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.