Was wondering if it wouldn't be too difficult to adjust the "Disabled Domain" feature with the following:
1) when disabling "example.com", have the option to also disable "all" sub-domains (ex. "subdomain.example.com") at the same time. Perhaps make this an "optional" flag as it would not always be applicable (ex. if you're offering subdomain hosting).
2) when you disable a website, instead of simply showing "Domain Disabled" in place of the website, perhaps show the "why" statement. Further, as an added bonus, would be nice if this page could be customizable so that hosting providers or the like could personalize the page and make it look a bit prettier.
*** we sometimes disable a domain when doing scheduled maintenance. It'd be nice to show a "Scheduled Maintenance" notice so people don't think they're domain has been disabled for negative reasons. ***
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sun, 12/30/2012 - 23:49 Comment #1
Suggestion 1 is a good idea - I will look into implementing this.
Suggestion 2 is already possible - you can customize the disabled domain message at System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default Settings -> Apache website -> Disabled website HTML. You can use $DISABLED_REASON in the HTML, which will be replaced with the reason you entered.
Turns out $DISABLED_REASON outputs "manual".
$DISABLED_WHY outputs the value of the "--why" flag.
Also, while you exposed to me this variable option, it does not exist within the: "/help.cgi/virtual-server/disabled_web" manual page. Might want to add that to the todo list :-)
Submitted by JamieCameron on Mon, 12/31/2012 - 22:06 Comment #4
Good idea .. I'll add that.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 01/04/2013 - 18:15 Comment #5
Virtualmin 3.98 will add an option to disable sub-servers at the same time as the top-level server.
Submitted by sgrayban on Fri, 01/18/2013 - 09:38 Comment #7
Actually #1 shouldn't be a option in certain cases... If the child servers are using the parent domain name it should disable those automatically because the default settings for common.domain.tld is to use the primary domain.tld zone records. Ex. you have parent.tld and sub.parent.tld and sub would use the same zone file for parent... follow ?
BTW I was the one that asked for $DISABLED_WHY to be added years ago and mentioned that wasn't listed in the docs and Jamie said he would add it but never did. :)
I hear ya on the $DISABLE_WHY matter. You gotta remember, Jamie and Joe are bombarded with good ideas, and it's not always possible to keep up with the requests as much as they'd like... They are only human after all. Also, the $DISABLE_WHY variable DOES exist just so you know. Just missing some documentation on the matter which Jamie is working on.
Perhaps if a domain is disabled, to further the discussion on your thought, maybe NOT disabling DNS settings would be appropriate to cover both matters that I first discussed, and the one you just pointed out.
This way, if things were disabled just at the Apache, and other areas domains would still resolve to something, just not what would normally pull up (an error screen or disable message shows instead, mail doesn't resolve, logging in is disabled, etc). After all, it'd be pointless to have a disabled message if the domains stopped resolving altogether :-)
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 01/18/2013 - 11:08 Comment #9
Yes, it will be optional to disable sub-servers. And I have added that variable to the help page.
Submitted by Issues on Fri, 02/01/2013 - 11:16 Comment #10
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.