Migration not completed from shared hosting to VPS

Using automated tasking of Virtualmin, I tried to move two websites from shared hosting (TopWeb) to VPS (TopServer). All good for first website: after about six hours from changing IP address in DNS service of TopWeb, the website began to get the files from TopServer. Typing the website address in the address bar of the browser (both with "www" and without), you can see the website properly. Typing the TopServer address at that moment, you can see a "Not found" page (is right so?). Not the same for second website: after about twenty-four hours from changing IP address in DNS service of TopWeb, the website gets the files from TopServer only as "example.com"; instead, the website continues to get files from TopWeb as "www.example.com". Also ping confirms the situation: "example.com" has the IP of TopServer, while "www.example.com" has the IP of TopWeb. Besides, typing the TopServer address at this moment, you can see the homepage of this second website, instead of "Not found" page as before. How can I fix this issue? Thank you.



Howdy -- what you're describing sounds like the DNS for the second website hasn't been completely changed yet. Either it hasn't finished propagating, or the change didn't work properly.

You may want to review the DNS settings, where ever DNS for your second domain is hosted, to review what the current DNS settings are set to.

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