Hi, I am trying to send emails from outlook for the past week and I just havent got the knowhow to set them up, I have tried and tried and read every all the posting but nothing I can use to fix it. Anyway before I give up on this I have decided to make a request for help as a last resort.
I have everything working fantastic I think and was very pleased it was so easy after using the install.sh and everything seemed to be going to plan. I wanted my own DNS server and managed to create nameservers. ns1.mydomain.com. I cant send emails out though from outlook2010 or from the virtualmin user email panel, i thought it was working but it I only tested locally and they work just dont deliver out. I have look in /var/log/maillog but nothing I see there helps me probably inexperience is my biggest problem.
I get this error: myemail@yahoo.com: host mta6.am0.yahoodns.net[] said: 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.com account (myemail@yahoo.com) [-5] - mta1339.mail.mud.yahoo.com (in reply to end of DATA command)
Any help appreciated!
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 10/24/2012 - 09:26 Comment #1
Howdy -- well, I double-checked with Yahoo's documentation to be sure, but according to Yahoo, the error you're seeing only occurs if Yahoo doesn't think that email address exists on their system.
You may want to double-check that everything is spelled correctly.
If you're certain that address does exist, then you seem to be dealing with some sort of problem with Yahoo... you may need to get in touch with them to figure out what's going on with that particular address.
If you have any additional questions -- we'd encourage you to seek the advice of the Virtualmin community using the forums (which you can access using the "Forums" link at the top of the page). The Support area here is for Virtualmin Pro customers. We monitor the forums though, along with lots of the folks in the community. Thanks!