Greetings, we have been utilizing a virtualmin server on Ubuntu 8.04lts for several years now and it has reached a point of instability. We also have three XEN servers forming our cloud system and also an additional machine that is our cloud controller/ manager running xencenter; however, I mostly usse my laptop for the controller manager function through xencenter. One of our cloud servers (Cloud02) does not have any instances currently and is available for rebuild if needed.
Q1: Can a virtualmin server/ clients be migrated to a Cloudmin server?
Q2: Does Virtualmin run as an Instance on the Cloudmin, or is Cloudmin the instance?
Q3: Will the Cloudmin manager also manage my existing XEN cloud instances and servers?
Q4: Will I need to rebuild my XEN Manager/ Controller machine with Cloudmin?
Q5: Can Cloudmin support multiple types such as XEN and Zones and EC2 at the same time?
Q6: Is there a best practices or an SOP for migrating from Virtualmin to Cloudmin?
Thanks in Advance!
Submitted by andreychek on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 13:12 Comment #1
Howdy -- well, you wouldn't use Cloudmin in place of Virtualmin -- you would use Cloudmin in addition to Virtualmin.
Cloudmin helps you launch and manage VPS's. But each of those VPS's can run Virtualmin.
Onto your questions --
Q1: Can a virtualmin server/ clients be migrated to a Cloudmin server?
Sure -- but that's no different than moving clients to a non-Cloudmin server.
All you would need to do is to launch a new VPS instance using Cloudmin, and then in that VPS instance, install Virtualmin.
Once you do that, you can import your Virtual Server backup into Virtualmin running on that VPS.
There's migration documentation here (which applies when using a VPS or a standalone server):
Q2: Does Virtualmin run as an Instance on the Cloudmin, or is Cloudmin the instance?
Virtualmin and Cloudmin complement each other, and perform different functions.
Cloudmin launches and manages VPS instances -- which can run any OS or control panel. Virtualmin is a control panel for a running server (or VPS). If you really wanted to, you could launch a VPS instance from Cloudmin, and then install cPanel onto it instead of Virtualmin.
You do not need to install Virtualmin onto the primary Cloudmin instance -- many people install Cloudmin on the primary server instance, and use that to launch VPS's that run Virtualmin.
Q3: Will the Cloudmin manager also manage my existing XEN cloud instances and servers?
Well, you could configure Cloudmin to treat those as physical systems, meaning that you'd only manage the Virtualmin instance on it.
Q4: Will I need to rebuild my XEN Manager/ Controller machine with Cloudmin?
Hmm, so can you describe your setup at the moment? Do you have one Linux server running Xen? Which distro is it, and which Xen version?
Q5: Can Cloudmin support multiple types such as XEN and Zones and EC2 at the same time?
Yes, Cloudmin Pro can do that.
Q6: Is there a best practices or an SOP for migrating from Virtualmin to Cloudmin?
I described that above, but if you have additional questions, feel free to ask!
Submitted by adaptivei on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 14:50 Comment #2
Excellent, machine #1 is a controller that is only running xencenter (6.x), #2,3,4 are multicore XEONS loaded as XEN servers (3.4) that host client instances. I have plenty of cores and RAM available, and Server #2 has no instances assigned to it, and is running idle as a backup if needed if one of the other servers has a problem. I would like to load an instance of virualmin (on a new OS like Ubuntu 12.04) and migrate all of my existing clients on the existing (8.04LTS) Virtualmin server.
From my understanding this is the same as migrating from one virtualmin to another?
I really would use the cloudmin for only managing instances on the XEN servers and possibly other platforms?
Submitted by JamieCameron on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 16:00 Comment #3
You can also use Cloudmin to move Virtualmin domains between systems. Or you can use Virtualmin's backup and restore feature - the effect is the same.
Submitted by adaptivei on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 16:58 Comment #4
OK, Previously we loaded the OS and paid a fee for your tech to SSH in and load the Virtualmin, as we are moving from the failing server, and would like to upgrade as well can we pay the upgrade fee from 50 to 100 clients for virtualmin? Please inform me as to what needs to be purchased so we can proceed.
Thank You,
Submitted by JamieCameron on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 17:23 Comment #5
Sure, the upgrade can be purchased here :
Submitted by adaptivei on Mon, 10/08/2012 - 16:23 Comment #6