is there a way to upgrade virtualmin pro 3.80 to 3.88 ?

I have a registred virtualmin pro 3.80. I can see there is a 3.88GPL, so I guess there is also a 3.88PRO

but as usual I can't find where to make the upgrade.

Going to webmin tab and to "Virtualmin package Update" menu Tells : "No new packages or packages available to be updated were found."



Howdy -- what is your Virtualmin Pro serial number? I'll review your license and make sure there aren't any problems on this end.

Hi Andrey,

Sorry for being late, I did not get notification about your answer.

Here is the serial number of the virtualmin I use : 5556216 It will be renewed on 12 may 2012

Today I check the Virtualmin Package Updates, and I confirm it only show ubuntu update, not virtualmin one.

Thanks for helping me with this.

Yup, that all looks good!

Can you attach a copy of your /etc/apt/sources.list file? That would show what repositories it's using -- we can verify that it's using the correct one for Virtualmin.

we dont use source.list for installing the virtualmin/webmin module. we just installed webmin from downloaded deb file, then install virtualmin GPL from module list.

Then we upgraded to virtualmin pro. expecting the update will work the same way (upgrade of module inside webmin)

We may use virtualmin repositories in source.list but we need to be sure, only virtualmin is in this repo (no system update, no other tools).

I guess it could be interesting for your client to be able to update throught webscript or to be able to directly download the debfile.

I'd recommend adding the Virtualmin repository to your sources.list file - this repo only contains Virtualmin packages, not other tools.