I have encountered a problem when using the install.sh script to set up a server to run drupal-6. This only seems to occur with the install script install.sh and not when I install virtualmin as a module as a module on a prebuilt lamp stack with webmin.
Once the module Update Status is enabled in Drupal-6, the admin pages and Run Cron times out and returns an Internal Server Error 500 and the only remedy is to disable the module Update Status. However overall the server seems to act funny loading admin pages slowly at times. I tested drupal thoroughly with multiple installations and domains with the same result.
At first I thought it was an issue with php5.3 and downgraded to php5.2 but the issue remained. After I built a new lamp stack with webmin manually, I was able to run drupal with out the error. I then installed Virtualmin as a module and re-added the virtual server containing the drupal site with the Virtualmin module. Drupal continues to function without error so far.
Has anyone run into this issue or can anyone think why this would happen. My server is running in VirtualBox with 2g of ram behind a router firewall with port 80 forwarded to it.
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 02/07/2012 - 10:11 Comment #1
Howdy -- what PHP Execution Mode is it that you're using there?
You can determine that in Server Configuration -> Website Options.
Also, when you get a 500 Error, what message is displayed in the error logs in $HOME/logs/error_log?
Submitted by cgfix on Thu, 02/09/2012 - 05:28 Comment #2
Originally, it was on FCGId. However, changing to Apache mod_php ( which is what my manual build was set to ) seemed to have no effect, then changeing it to CGI Wrapper seemed to eliminate the problem. Now switching between all 3 mod_php, CGI Wrapper, and FCGid seems to make now difference and the site runs very smooth. The PHP Execution Mode seems to have been the problem.
According to the Error logs, It was saying things like "mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 61 seconds,", "Premature end of script headers: index.php", "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function locale_inc_callback()".
But it seems to fixed now. Good to know for the future since the Install.sh script is a huge convenience.
Submitted by andreychek on Thu, 02/09/2012 - 09:47 Comment #3
I'm glad it's working now! I don't know the specific cause for the errors you saw in your logs (though the "locale_inc_callback" error may be a Drupal module bug that they're currently working on) -- however, it's great that it's working now.
I'll mark this as fixed, let us know if you run into any other issues!
Submitted by Issues on Thu, 02/23/2012 - 09:49 Comment #4
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.