Configuring Mailman cgi

I want to make the Mailman cgi available to the Mailinglist member on the URL or
The domain exists and works, f.e. I can access the archives with (after manual configuration)...

How can I do that?

Closed (works as designed)


I've been searching this site to determine resolution for an issue I'm having, and am getting the impression that mailman is a poor match for Virtualmin for the following reasons:

Joe Listuser cannot manage his own mailman subscription, unless also given the ability to log into Virtualmin. Also, Joe Public cannot look to see what lists are available on the server unless, again, he has the ability to log into Virtualmin. This is due to Virtualmin's dependence on suexec, and mailman's incompatability with it. Does this sum it up, or am I missing something? The former is one of the most attractive features of mailman, and the primary reason I was pursuing it for this particular site. Hopefully, I'm incorrect. If I am, please set me on the straight and narrow.

A list user can manage his owner subscription without a Virtualmin login .. even though access to the Mailman CGIs redirects to Virtualmin, it doesn't require authentication.

Thanks Jamie. I tried it this morning, and it works as advertised. I don't know what happened to my config that it was requiring me to log in yesterday to see what lists were available after just having added them. Maybe the redirect just caught me for a loop.

Thanks again.

Ok, glad you got it working ..