Subdomain dot check failing.

Creating a subdomain with SSL and a shared IP fails after an upgrade, claiming me to have used a dot in the subdomain name after the confirming the SSL warning screen (has full domain at that point rather then just the subdomain name).

Used versions:

dpkg -l | grep -e webmin -e virtualmin
ii  virtualmin-base                      1.0-29                       Meta-package that depends on all of the appropriate packages for hosting with Virtualmin.
ii  webmin                               1.570                        web-based administration interface for Unix systems
ii  webmin-security-updates              4.3                          Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Package Updates'
ii  webmin-virtual-server                3.89.gpl                     Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Virtual Servers (GPL)'
ii  webmin-virtual-server-mobile         2.4                          Webmin theme 'Virtualmin Mobile Theme'
ii  webmin-virtual-server-theme          8.1                          Webmin theme 'Virtualmin Framed Theme'
ii  webmin-virtualmin-awstats            4.6                          Webmin module for 'AWstats Reporting'
ii  webmin-virtualmin-dav                3.5                          Webmin module for 'Virtualmin DAV'
ii  webmin-virtualmin-google-analytics   2.5                          Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Analytics'
ii  webmin-virtualmin-htpasswd           2.5                          Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Protected Directories'
ii  webmin-virtualmin-init               2.2                          Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Bootup Actions'
ii  webmin-virtualmin-mailman            6.1                          Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Mailman Mailing Lists'
ii  webmin-virtualmin-oracle             1.9                          Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Oracle Databases'
ii  webmin-virtualmin-registrar          2.0                          Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Domain Registration'
ii  webmin-virtualmin-signup             1.3                          Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Mailbox Signup'
ii  webmin-virtualmin-slavedns           1.6                          Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Slave DNS Plugin'
ii  webmin-virtualmin-sqlite             1.5                          Webmin module for 'Virtualmin SQLlite Databases'
ii  webmin-virtualmin-svn                4.9                          Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Subversion Repositories'

/usr/bin/perl -v

This is perl 5, version 14, subversion 2 (v5.14.2) built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi-64int
Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- what is it that you upgraded recently -- was it Webmin, or Virtualmin?

And what's an example of a domain name you tried to create... and what's the exact error you saw? Thanks!

Upgraded almost every package (using aptitude, upgraded both webmin, virtualmin, and a ton of other packages). Attached apt history.log.1.gz (the error is about not being able to start monit due to config-errors, unrelated as far as I know). As its a TON of packages (I negelected updates for a long time), I do not think it's really useful / easy to distill some info from it, but added it for completeness sake.

After some testing, the way to reproduce it alters somewhat, and the suggested codechange does not influence in the slightest (I probably just chose different options after changing that specific code, violating the 'keep all other variables equal'-principle, my apologies.

Now, I can still reproduce it (with or without the codechange):

  1. Choose server
  2. Create subdomain
  3. Options: both HTTP and HTTPS, but with a shared IP
  4. Get the error message:

"The following potential problems were detected with the creation of this virtual server :

SSL is being enabled for more than one domain on the IP address .... Apache on your system supports SNI, which will allow modern browsers to get the correct certificate in this situation. However, older browsers may see the first certificate for the IP, which is only valid for :

Are you sure you want to continue?"

  1. Choose continue
  2. $in{'dom'} will now be the full domain name ('openid.*.nl') instead of the previously entered sole 'openid'.

This does not occur when either the IP is unique for the site, or when HTTP isn't chosen as a feature (i.e. when you don't see the SSL warning screen).

BTW: I altered the bug description to reflect this new information.

Ok, I see the cause of this now .. inputs aren't being passed through properly when creating a sub-domain and a warning is displayed. I'll fix that in the next release.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.