Submitted by webinteractive on Wed, 12/28/2011 - 18:29
I just restarted my server and Dovecot won't start anymore. There are no error messages in the log files. When I try to start from Virtualmin, nothing happens. When I use "/etc/init.d/dovecot start" nothing happens.
Any ideas?
I enabled the support login.
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 12/28/2011 - 18:54 Comment #1
It appears to be hung up waiting for "ntp-wait" to respond.
The ntp-wait program waits for the NTP to be synchronized -- since that's just hanging, that may indicate an NTP problem of some sort.
Is there perhaps a problem with your NTP server? Or maybe a new firewall rule that's preventing you from being able to access it?
However, what I did is comment out the "ntp-wait" line at the end of /etc/default/dovecot, and I was then able to start it up.
Submitted by webinteractive on Wed, 12/28/2011 - 18:59 Comment #2
Thanks for your quick check!
We never had a firewall rule allowing NTP. Strange that it suddenly became an issue. I'll check our firewall config tomorrow. Thanks for pointing out!