virtualmin reports Your serial number is licensed for only 1 servers, but is being used on 3

We're in the process of migrating from one server to another and we've installed virtualmin on the new server and will be deactivating the old one once we're done. The problem is virtualmin reports that we're using it on three servers, which is untrue. How do we handle the deactivation process? Do we have to unlicense the server we're decommissioning? If so, what's the process for that?


Closed (fixed)


Once you stop using the old machine for 2 days, it will be considered un-used by our licence manager and this message will go away automatically..

Howdy -- it's safe to ignore that message, and only the Master Admin (ie, usually the root user) can see it.

It's no problem at all to run it on multiple servers during the migration process. The Virtualmin license server may hold onto those older IP's for a few days after Virtualmin was actually removed from them.

Once you've removed Virtualmin from all your old servers, if you still see that message after a week, let us know and we can look into that.

The server was installed as gpl and the upgrade command worked. Thanks.