php not loading mysql?


Attempted wordpress install returns:

Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.

Confirmed mysql does not appear on php config via phpinfo dump. Virtual server website option defaulted to fcgid viewed under virtualmin.

Have checked php.ini and all mysql related entries appear enabled. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this would be appreciated.

kind regards


Closed (fixed)


Which PHP execution mode do you have in use for this domain - mod_php or fcgid ? You can see this at Server Configuration -> Website Options.

Also on that page the enabled PHP modules should be displayed in the "PHP information" section .. check if the mysql module is listed.

Which PHP execution mode do you have in use for this domain - mod_php or fcgid ? You can see this at Server Configuration -> Website Options.

Also on that page the enabled PHP modules should be displayed in the "PHP information" section .. check if the mysql module is listed.

Hi Jamie,

Thanks for the quick response and the prompt I needed to resolve this. Virtualmin defaulted to FCGId. Checking the PHP Information under server config - website options and mysql/mysqli was absent there too - aha! PDO is present though which seems strange.

I have since downloaded the php5-mysql module from the ubuntu repository and lo, now it works - and all without poking around any more config files.

I have used Webmin without any problems in the past and this is first time out with Virtualmin (automated install). Should I check the install log to see where the install went wrong or is this a known issue?

Kind regards,


Well, it can be difficult to predict which PHP modules folks want to use; for awhile, Virtualmin didn't attempt to install any PHP modules automatically. Modules that folks wanted could just be installed via a package manager like how you just installed php5-mysql.

That said, we did later decide that the PHP MySQL module was common enough the most folks would want it by default, and added that to a recent version of the install script.

So, in theory, it should have been installed... we'll take a look at the installer and if there's a problem with the way that's handled.

We're glad to hear WordPress is working for you now!

I guess I reasoned that having the mysql server installed by virtualmin would mean that the corresponding modules would be installed for php. Again, thanks for the prompt assist over the weekend.

Did you install wordpress using Virtualmin? If so, the MySQL PHP module should have been installed automatically .. otherwise, you'd need to do it manually.

No, manual install. I wasn't aware that Virtualmin could do that. I'd appreciate it if you would point me to the docs to learn how. Kind regards. Mikel

The automated installation Jamie was referring to is a feature of Virtualmin Pro called "Install Scripts".

Unfortunately, that's not something you could do with Virtualmin GPL. While there are a handful of Install Scripts that come with Virtualmin GPL, WordPress isn't one of those.

However, you can see the "Install scripts" menu option on the navigation bar on the left.

Using Virtualmin Pro, there are 80+ applications that can be installed in just a click or two.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.