How do you configure e-mail signatures?


We have Virtualmin Pro and it is up to date.

A customer just asked me how to configure e-mail signatures...and I couldn't answer him. I tried to figure it out...and couldn't. It's not obvious.

He specifically wants HTML with a logo image.

Thanks in advance,




Do you mean the automatic addition of a signature to outgoing email?

Yes, per-user.



Sorry, but we don't have any support in Virtualmin for that currently. You can probably configure Postfix to do it, but you'd have to do that manually..

Yeah, an email signature is something that would need to be setup in the individual user's email client. Usermin does support email signatures, and one can be added into that.

However, it's not possible to do that at the server level, only at the email client level.

OK, just to confirm.

You are saying that there is no e-mail signature feature built into Usermin at all? If so, how?

If that is the case, Usermin webmail is unusable for pretty much everyone as a primary mail client.

To be honest, the way Usermin webmail handles folders also makes it unusable for anyone with a significant IMAP data store anyway.

How much trouble would it be to integrate the spam filter controls into RoundCube? I already have that installed anyway, but I don't encourage users to use it because it doesn't have the integrated features.

I think Virtualmin would benefit greatly if it just used RoundCube anyway. Why reinvent the wheel?



If a given email user logs into Usermin, they can enable an email signature.

Jamie was thinking you were asking about enabling a server-wide signature for all email users.

To configure signatures for an email user in Usermin, have the email user log into Usermin on port 2000, and click the "Edit Signature" button at the bottom of the page.

As far as RoundCube (or any other email client) goes -- a user can forward messages to spamtrap@domain.tld and hamtrap@domain.tld to have that email set to Ham or Spam.

Those aliases may not be setup by default -- you can make sure they're setup for new users by going into System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default -> Spam Filtering, and set Create spamtrap and hamtrap aliases to "Yes".

For existing accounts, you can go into Server Configuration -> Spam and Virus Delivery, and set "Create spamtrap and hamtrap email aliases?" to "Yes".

Usermin does support signatures - each user can click the "Edit Signature" button at the bottom of the inbox to create a personal signature.

Hi and thank you both for your responses. I appreciate it very much.

While this sounds very familiar to me, I don't see an "Edit Signature" button.

Do I have to enable this feature first or something?



That's odd .. it should be always visible, below the mail list.

Crap. OK, I'm stupid. I see it now.

I had the number of messages displayed set at 40 so that button scrolled off the screen and I was looking on the left side where all of the other settings are.

You might consider putting the 'Edit Signature' feature in with the other settings.
