Delete a domain also delete virtualhost from other virtual servers

Hello, When delete a top virtual server like from the web interface, Virtualmin also delete file under /etc/apache2/sites-available/ of, but is a separate top virtual server.

Virtualmin also deletes files that contain the domain name that have not been created by Virtualmin. For example, one prepared manually with a redirect rule from or pointing to another domain.

It seems that Virtualmin deletes everything that contain in the ServerName, even if it is a subdomain, or files not created by Virtualmin.

Virtualmin Pro, Debian 5.0. thanks

Closed (fixed)


This should only happen if you have delete_indom=1 set in /etc/webmin/virtual-server/config , which is an old and deprecated option that isn't even settable via the UI anymore. You should delete that line, if set ..

If it isn't in /etc/webmin/virtual-server/config , let me know as this may be a separate bug..

Ok, I found this old option (set to 1) in every my Virtualmin servers, thanks