Xen host DNS domain

Under this section a system owner should be able to set there own DNS domain to add systems to so that can be customizable.

There really isn't any reason that a system owner can't use there own domain to set the guest system sub-domain under.



If the system owner has control of his own DNS domain and has added an entry for the virtual system to it already, the system's hostname can be changed in Virtualmin to whatever name is in his domain.

However, doing this at creation time would be tricky ... unless all the DNS domains are hosted on the Cloudmin master.

The domain would be hosted on the same server of course.

I just saying if you can create resellers in cloudmin they should be able to use there own business domain. That includes even branding there side as well like you can do in VM Pro.

That's not too un-reasonable .. I will look into this. I will likely implement it as a system-owner level option that lets root select a DNS domain that the owner's new systems will be added to.