Apache not load balaning

Below is my configure I have two servers any ideas what I am doing wrong? BTW that for you help virtual interfaces.

ServerName myname.com ServerAlias www.myname.com

ErrorLog /var/log/virtualmin/myname.com_error_log CustomLog /var/log/virtualmin/myname.com_access_log combined

ProxyVia On

Balance load between 3.x.x ZEO front-ends

BalancerMember http://xxx.xxx.8.34/ BalancerMember http://xxx.xxx.8.34/

ProxyPass / balancer://lbmyname
ProxyPassReverse / balancer://lbredbirdtechnologies



Did you set this up using the Proxy Paths page in Virtualmin?

Also, what goes wrong exactly? Is the load not being distributed evenly?

Did you set this up using the Proxy Paths page in Virtualmin?

No! Do I need to?

Also, what goes wrong exactly? Is the load not being distributed evenly?

It not working at all! :-(

ProxyPass / balancer://lbmyname ProxyPassReverse / balancer://lbmyname

It does not seem to like the balancer://lbmyname reference in the proxy statement. Which I need in order to refer to the balanest cluster

I would recommend removing those proxy directives and then using virtualmin to re-setup balancing to the two URLs. That way we will both be on the same page.

Can you give me an example?

In your case, you would enter / in the Local URL path field, and in the "Destination URLs" field enter:


Or whatever the URLs of your backends are.

[Sun Oct 17 22:50:04 2010] [warn] RSA server certificate wildcard CommonName (CN) `*.mysite.com' does NOT match server name!?

client denied by server configuration: proxy:http://mysite.com/favicon.ico

Any ideas?

In Virtualmin, select the domain from the left menu and go to Services -> Configure website -> Edit Directives . Make sure there is a block in there like :

<Proxy *>
allow from all

If not, add one and click Save , then click Apply Changes.