Submitted by isdahlc on Thu, 09/09/2010 - 08:13 Pro Licensee
Is there a way to disable the certificate warning that appears when accessing virtualmin on :10000 or :20000? In particular we are having trouble resolving this issue with IE. FireFox doesn't seem to have a problem importing the cert and bypassing the warning on future visits.
Submitted by andreychek on Thu, 09/09/2010 - 10:19 Comment #1
Hi Craig -- you would indeed get a warning when using a self-signed certificate to secure a website. The warning is something your browser pops up, to explain that it doesn't know who generated the certificate.
You could configure your browser to accept the certificate, and not display a warning.
However, the way that's typically resolved is to purchase a commercial SSL certificate that matches the domain you use to access Virtualmin.
Then, you can import that SSL certificate into Webmin/Virtualmin, and browsers would no longer display the warning message.
Submitted by isdahlc on Thu, 09/09/2010 - 10:25 Pro Licensee Comment #2
You could configure your browser to accept the certificate, and not display a warning.
This is what we want to do but have been unsuccessful in accomplishing this in IE. Since I'm sure you've been asked this before I was hoping you could point me in the direction of some good documentation. Firefox works fine - IE is the problem. Any docs you can suggest?
Submitted by andreychek on Thu, 09/09/2010 - 15:33 Comment #3
I haven't actually tried this on IE before, but in doing some tinkering, it looks like you can import the certificate by using the following steps:
When prompted that there's a problem with the certificate, click "Continue onto website"
When viewing the website, you'll see a "Certificate Error" warning in the address bar. Click the text that says "Certificate Error".
Click "View Certificate"
Click "Install Certificate"
At that point, Internet Explorer should allow you to view the website without prompting you for a warning.
Remember though that for $20 or $30 dollars a year, you can purchase a commercial SSL certificate that is already trusted by your browser and would prevent such popups without having to manually correct each client :-)