Cloudmin KVM & LVM Disk Size

Ran in to an initial snag deploying new KVM images on cloudmin running Ubuntu 10.04 64bit.

We have a 6+ TB LVM Volume that only seems to report/think it's 6+gb in Cloudmin. We can deploy new instances under 6gb, but nothing over that.

Attaching screenshots in subsequent as Tracker wasn't letting me initially.

UPDATE: ah well, can only get one image in there for now, but on the setup dialog it's reporting that 6.7 Tb as 6.7gb

Closed (fixed)


This is actually a Webmin bug - Ubuntu 10.04 changed the way sizes are reported by the "lvdisplay" and "vgdisplay" commands, which causes their sizes to be computed incorrectly.

This will be fixed in Webmin version 1.520, which should be out in a few days. Or you can edit the file /usr/share/webmin/lvm/ on the Xen host system(s) and change the mult_units function to :

sub mult_units
local ($n, $u) = @_;
return $n*(uc($u) eq "KB" || uc($u) eq "KIB" ? 1 :
           uc($u) eq "MB" || uc($u) eq "MIB" ? 1024 :
           uc($u) eq "GB" || uc($u) eq "GIB" ? 1024*1024 :
           uc($u) eq "TB" || uc($u) eq "TIB" ? 1024*1024*1024 :
           uc($u) eq "PB" || uc($u) eq "PIB" ? 1024*1024*1024 : 1);

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.