Submitted by mike8 on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 19:49
I haven't been on here is a while, and I'm not having any problems with the server, But I never really got an answer for this the lase time I asked.
I want to use my DNS server, instead of the one at the Domain Registry, where my domain names are registered. I believe the DNS server is working fine, and I know where to change it to point to my server on the Registers Server, but I still don't know what to use for the name to point too. How do I find the name of my server, or do I have to change it to something. The last time I messed with this I ended up having to Format, and reinstall. And I don't want to do that again.
Can you give me some guidance on this?
Thanks Michael
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 08/11/2010 - 21:05 Comment #1
Hi Michael -- is your DNS server the same as your Virtualmin server?
If so, that should be fairly straight forward to setup.
Generally, most registrars require you to have two separate IP addresses for the nameservers (even if both IP's are on the same server).
At that point -- the names you use don't matter so long as they each resolve to one of the IP addresses on your server.
So, if you own the domain "" -- it's common to setup nameservers using the format "" and "".
And then, you'd just setup to point to one IP address on your server, and to point to the other IP address.
Making them point to your IP's can be done by adding an "Address" or "A" record in the DNS. In Virutalmin, that's done by selecting "" from the drop-down list on the top-left, going into Services -> DNS Domain -> Address, and then pointing the name "ns1" to your first IP address, and "ns2" to your second IP address.
At that point, the rest can be setup in your registrar.
Does that answer your question?
Submitted by mike8 on Thu, 08/12/2010 - 00:36 Comment #2
That helps a lot, but do the 2 IP address have to be unoccupied. I have 4 IP's on my server, but I have a web site attached to each one
My Virtualmin Server Name is "localhost.localdomain" If I have 2 shared IP's could I create a Virtual Server, with the names and another one called would that work, or do they have o be dedicated Ip's? Do these ns1, and ns2 have to be registored?
Submitted by andreychek on Thu, 08/12/2010 - 23:12 Comment #3
That helps a lot, but do the 2 IP address have to be unoccupied. I have 4 IP's on my server, but I have a web site attached to each one
It shouldn't matter at all, as the BIND DNS Server listens on all IP addresses by default.
If I have 2 shared IP's could I create a Virtual Server, with the names and another one called
You may be trying to make it a bit harder than it needs to be :-)
They don't need to be Virtual Servers... the only thing you need to do with ns1 and ns2 is go into "", and add "Address" records for ns1 and ns2. Since BIND listens on all IP addresses, it doesn't matter which two you pick to have ns1 and ns2 resolve to.
Do these ns1, and ns2 have to be registored?
Once you add DNS "Address" records for ns1 and ns2, you don't need to do anything else on your server to set it up.
You would likely need to do some configuration at your domain name registrar, though. Domain name registrars typically require that you register nameservers with them before you can actually set any given domain name to use those nameservers.
How exactly to do that is dependent on your domain name registrar, though you should see some menu options for registering a group of nameservers and their related IP addresses.
Submitted by mike8 on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 00:21 Comment #4
Thank you you did an excellent job of explaining this, I really appreciate that. I think I know what to do now. Thanks again.
Submitted by mike8 on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 10:13 Comment #5
OK, I have it all done at the Registrar. all pointing to this server's IP's My sites are still working I beleave. but I still have a problem.
When I "Check Connectivity" in "Logs, and Reports" I get this error
Nameserver mismatch None of the nameservers match this system : localhost.localdomain.
Where do I change the servers name? \nameservers are. NS1.ASRSERVICE.COM, NS2.ASRSERVICE.COM
Server Name is "Localhost.local.domain"
Submitted by mike8 on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 12:17 Comment #6
One other question I have is now that I changed the Name Servers, My email address at one of the Registrar is not working. does that mean that I can't use that email address, or can I just move it to my server. It is using the If so how do I access that server from my other computer, like with Windows Live mail, what do I use as the Server address? pop, and smtp?
Submitted by andreychek on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 19:36 Comment #7
Where do I change the servers name? nameservers are. NS1.ASRSERVICE.COM, NS2.ASRSERVICE.COM
Well, while your servers hostname should not need to match any of the nameserver names, I suspect there's a setting we can tune to correct that issue.
First, if you go into System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default -> BIND DNS Domain, look for the option named "Master DNS server hostname". Set that to "NS1.ASRSERVICE.COM".
Then, if you go into Servers -> DNS Domain -> NameServers, change the current nameserver from Localhost.local.domain to be "NS1.ASRSERVICE.COM".
My email address at one of the Registrar is not working. does that mean that I can't use that email address
It sounds like you're saying that your domain at one point had it's email hosted at your registrar, but you're now saying that, after changing the nameservers, the email isn't working.
If that's the case, the issue is likely that the MX records now point to your server.
That leaves you with two options:
Go into Services -> DNS Domain -> Mail Server, and change the Mail Server (MX) record to point to your registrars email. After that, your email should begin to work again at your registrar.
Setup your email client to use your Virtualmin server for email.You can setup your email client to connect to "" to send/receive email.
You can also browse to "" in your web browser to access your email over the web using Usermin.
Submitted by mike8 on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 23:53 Comment #8
I chose #2. I also went to my Registrar and forwarded all mail to me at to go to my other email address. I hope that will work. If not I will try #1..
Well, while your servers hostname should not need to match any of the nameserver names, I suspect there's a setting we can tune to correct that issue.
First, if you go into System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default -> BIND DNS Domain, look for the option named "Master DNS server hostname". Set that to "NS1.ASRSERVICE.COM".
Then, if you go into Servers -> DNS Domain -> NameServers, change the current nameserver from Localhost.local.domain to be "NS1.ASRSERVICE.COM".
After doing this I checked and I still have the same error about the Name Server not matching
Submitted by mike8 on Sat, 08/14/2010 - 11:16 Comment #9
OK I got the info from my Registrar for my Mail Server. This is what the gave me.
pop Address
smtp Address
webmail cname
@ MX 10
@ MX 30
@ MX 100
The 1st 2, I just created a record for "pop and added the IP Address, and the same for "smtp"
The Web mail, I don't really use. But the last 3 Do I need them? and if so How do I enter them?
One last question here. Now I set up my Email client to check my mail just like before, or do I check for new EMail through my server, and it check my Registrar for new mail?
Thanks You have been a big help getting this server running.
Submitted by mike8 on Tue, 08/17/2010 - 10:03 Comment #10
Is anyone going to answer this question? I haven't been able to check my E-Mail sence Last Friday.
pop Address
smtp Address
webmail cname
@ MX 10
@ MX 30
@ MX 100
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 08/17/2010 - 10:16 Comment #11
The MX records are "MailServer" records. They specify where email goes for your domain.
By default, if you're using Virtualmin to control your DNS, it will setup email to go to your Virtualmin server.
If you'd like your email to go to your domain name registrar, then you'd need to go into Services -> DNS Domain, remove the existing MailServer records, and replace them with where you want your email to go.
In your case, you'd create MailServer records using the last 3 lines that you listed.
Submitted by mike8 on Tue, 08/17/2010 - 10:55 Comment #12
OK, I can do that. But how do I enter it? Do I use the "@" for the "Name" or the "MX" for the "Name"?
and the "" as the address, what is the "10, 20, 100 at the end, or is that part of the Name. Also I don't understand the Priority, what do I set it at?
Also do I access my email from my server, or do I use the access info for my registrar's Server?
Thanks Michael
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 08/17/2010 - 14:12 Comment #13
The character "@" is a BIND variable that means "the current domain name".
So, add the Virtual Server's domain name, followed by a ".", in the "Name" field (it would look like "").
In the Mail Server field, add "". Again, make sure there's a "." at the end of the name (they didn't include one in the list they gave you, but it won't actually work without that).
Also I don't understand the Priority, what do I set it at
The numbers they gave you -- 10, 30, and 100 -- are the priority.
Also do I access my email from my server, or do I use the access info for my registrar's Server?
The steps we're doing here are making it so that email will go to your registrar's server. Once you've put all this in place, you wouldn't need to access email on your server.
Alternatively, if you want to use mail on your server, you'd have to setup your email addresses and aliases in Virtualmin. You can do that by logging into Virtualmin, and going to "Edit Mail and FTP" users, as well as "Edit Mail Aliases".
Once you have your email accounts and aliases setup, you can access it using something like Usermin, by pointing your web browser to:
And then log in using the username and password you've setup for your account.
Submitted by mike8 on Tue, 08/24/2010 - 17:29 Comment #14