OK so this is a total newbie question, however... The legacy code that I migrated to the new virtualmin server all had the cgi-bin in the document root locked down with .htaccess. Nothing that my predeccessor coded was difficult to replace with php, so I did. Now I want to run a cgi, and I do not know how I am supposed to access it outside of the document root. I am assuming that there is nothing I need to add to the virtualmin setup of the apache site file, of course. I have been running various simulations, putting a test file in various places, but I have yet to access it and have it execute at the same time. Please advise! Thanks guys.
BTW, Virtualmin rules. I have become spoiled rotten by easy server and email management. To think that I used to do everything at a command prompt!
Submitted by andreychek on Fri, 07/23/2010 - 13:24 Comment #1
Howdy -- I'm not entirely certain I'm following your question, but I'll give it a shot!
If you have an application you want to run as CGI, you can put it in $HOME/cgi-bin/.
Then, to access it from a browser, you would browse to:
If that's not what you're trying to do, perhaps you could offer an example of what you're after.
Submitted by dbrewer on Fri, 07/23/2010 - 13:55 Comment #2
oops there was an error in the test script that I copied from the net! It was giving me the internal server error. I checked the error log, and then fixed it. It works now.
Submitted by andreychek on Fri, 07/23/2010 - 13:57 Comment #3
Glad to hear it's working, thanks for the update!
Submitted by Issues on Fri, 08/06/2010 - 14:19 Comment #4
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.