"Wide character in print at ../web-lib-funcs.pl line 7482" error in backup.pl

When running backups via cron virtualmin shows the error on some backups:
Wide character in print at ../web-lib-funcs.pl line 7482.
In this string file have the function:
sub print_tempfile
my ($fh, @args) = @_;
$fh = &callers_package($fh);
(print $fh @args) || &error(&text("efilewrite",
$main::open_temphandles{$fh} || $fh, $!));

cron commands:
/etc/webmin/virtual-server/backup.pl --id 122113260411099
/etc/webmin/virtual-server/backup.pl --id 12211291835541

Webmin & Virtualmin are latest versions.

Closed (fixed)


I try to run this commands via "--debug" option and see the error before string with cyrillic domain:

Wide character in print at /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/backup.pl line 260.
Creating backup for virtual server динозубрик.рф ..

This is the international domain with no-latin characters (IDN), in DNS it stores as "xn--90afjdcmriu2a.xn--p1ai". Maybe the problem is near support of IDN domains.

Other features (DNS, apache, email, etc) works with IDN domains normally.

This is an essentially harmless warning from Perl about character conversions .. you can safely ignore it.

Unless it is causing some other problem, like extra un-necessary emails from cron?

yes, it sends every day extra un-necessary emails from cron to my email. How I can I rewrite the string in web-lib-funcs.pl to disable show this warning via cron?

Ok, the next Virtualmin release (3.80) will include a change to prevent this..

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.