Migrate joomla site from cPanel 11.25.0-STABLE to virtualmin 3.79 Pro

Hi Guys,

I have a customer that I need to migrate from a cPanel hosting environment to my Virtualmin hosting environment.

The process I followed was to backup the site on cPanel and use the migrate feature in virtualmin to import the site, this all seemed to go well but when I try to preview the site i receive a


You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server. Apache Server at www.sitename.com.au Port 80

I have looked up various solutions and I have changed the file permissions of the index.php file to 777 to see if that would solve the problem but no success.

so I hope you guys have a fresh approch to this problem.

Thanks in advance

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- yeah, using the "Migrate Virtual Server" option should normally handle that for you.

Are other websites on your server working for you?

Also, if you look in Services -> Website Options, what is the PHP Execution Mode set to?

And lastly, if you look in $HOME/logs/error_log, do you see any errors listed in there?

Hi Andreychek,

Ok all other websites work 100% fine except the one that I just migrated from cPanel

I looked in the Website Options and PHP script execution mode is set to FCGId (run as virtual server owner).

Ruby script execution mode is set to Ruby scripts disabled.

I have played around with the settings on this website and even when I set it to use CGI wrapper (run as virtual server owner) then I no longer recive the 403 error but instead I get a blank page

I have had a look in the logs as you suggested and they are blank.

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 02:31 Pro Licensee

First up, setting permissions to 777 will guarantee that the script will not run, at all. suexec will never run anything with 777 permissions under any circumstances. So, before doing anything else, you'll need to put permissions back to something sane. Group/world write has to be disabled for suexec to let it run.

If the error_log is blank, then I kinda suspect you're not actually getting to that virtual host. Either DNS is pointing to the wrong IP, or Apache has some misconfiguration in the VirtualHost/NameVirtualHost sections (see here for some coverage of that kind of problem: http://www.virtualmin.com/documentation/web/troubleshooting in the section labeled "The Wrong Site Shows Up").

Are you seeing the hits in the access_log? If not, that will confirm that the problem is that you're requests are going to the wrong place rather than script problems. But, since you're seeing an error message in the browser but not in the log, that tells me you're not going to see anything in access_log, either.

Hi Joe

Ok changed the permissions back to 0755. With regards to your comment on DNS, I would like to add that I am attempting to preview the website through the "Preview website" function in virtualmin. As I wanted to make sure it worked internally before pointing the DNS to the new server. So to say it again DNS is still pointing to the original Cpanel server not virtualmin.

As for the error_log it is blank, but the access_log adds this each time I attempt to preview the website. - - [10/Jul/2010:16:48:33 +1000] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 403 285 "-" "Webmin" - - [10/Jul/2010:16:51:03 +1000] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 403 285 "-" "Webmin" - - [10/Jul/2010:16:51:13 +1000] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 403 285 "-" "Webmin"

Thanks in advance.

Guys, I need to have this resolved pretty soon, do you need me to send you anything that you would like to have a look at eg log files screen shots etc?

Yeah, at this point, it's difficult to say what the issue is without taking a look. Would it be possible to log in over SSH to diagnose the issue?

If that's okay, what you could do is enable "Remote Support" in the Virtualmin Support module -- or, you could simply email root login details to eric@virtualmin.com.

Also, we'd need to know which domain it is on your system that you're having trouble with.

I have emailed you login details, please advise as soon as you discover the problem. Thank you

We've been discussing this over email -- it looks like the issue is with the contents of the .htaccess file. Commenting out the FollowSymlinks entry in the .htaccess allows .php code to run without errors.

The Joomla install still didn't run correctly, it produces a blank page. That was an issue with the path having changed... editing the configuration.php to update the path resolved that issue.