Home directory : Sub-directory logs under home directory does not exist

When I "Validate Virtual Servers" I get "Home directory : Sub-directory logs under home directory does not exist" for quite a few servers, this is happening on more than 1 server.

Can you tell me how I should fix the servers and do you know what would cause this?

Thanks Greg



This can happen if Virtualmin expects the domain's /home/domain/logs directory to exist, but it is missing.

Do these domains have websites enabled?

Yes the domanis have websites enabled

What kinds of servers are these that report the error - top-level servers, sub-servers or alias servers?

1 is a top-level server and the others are alias servers

Ok, I found a case where the logs dir could be missing for an alias domain .. I'll will fix this in the next virtualmin release.

It should always exist for top-level servers though. I would suggest in this case just re-creating it..