root cannot access sftp

i always use filezilla and putty to connect to server and admin it after installing new OS, CEntOS 5.4 i found that cannot access as root to server, i tryed to change password and checked in the webmin module -> system -> user and groups -> root but everything seems normal and standard ... what should I do ? Now I have to access via a Admin created during installation of provider and type "su" (using putty) but cannot access as root with ftp ... I am stucked, please help

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I wouldn't expect root to be able to login via FTP by default, though I believe SFTP typically would be allowed out of the box.

Can you log in via SSH as root? Or is that denied as well?

If you can't log in as root via SSH, it may be related to a setting in your sshd_config file.

If you look in Webmin -> Servers -> SSHD -> Authentication, what is "Allow login by root" set to?

I have solved access via telnet (ssh) enabling Webmin -> Servers -> SSHD -> Authentication -> Allow login by root -> yes Still cannot acess via ftp (filezilla, sftp)

EDITED Solved ftp access too same settings in proftp server -> authentication -> allow root login -> yes

sorry but on last server with CentOS 4.8 I had not to set these variables, it was root allowed (default)

is there any security problem I need to pay attention ? some operations cannot be executed without root permissions ... with terminal emulation I can send a "su" command but with ftp I cannot operate on some files without root authentication

any suggest ?

Still cannot acess via ftp (filezilla, sftp)

Well, both SFTP and SSH use the ssh daemon whose settings you changed above. So in theory, if you can log into SSH as root, there shouldn't be anything preventing you from logging in via SFTP as root.

What error message do you see when you try to do that?

And what messages show up in /var/log/secure when you try to do that?