License Renewal Not Recognized

First, IMHO it would be better to inform admins that their license will expire a a bit sooner than 72 hours. If you are in a non-profit org, you may not have the approval to simply spend money and if your notice comes on a Friday and the CFO and powers that be are "out of station" it could be a problem. GoDaddy informs us 1 month in advance of expiration of SSL's.

That said I went in and placed the order for $65.00 to renew our license which is currently a 10 domain license: intent was to both renew for a year and upgrade to 50 domains. Your "shop" took my CC and everything went thru. In a naive move I ran the wget cmd, but was informed that Virtual Min was already installed and got fatal errors and your installer cleaned up the files and exited gracefully.

So I went back and looked at the confirmation of purchase from your site: and yes, the license number is exactly the same as before... I next thought, OK, they probably just advanced the expiration date and increased the domain limit in our record on the Mother Ship.. and if I just clicked "Re-Check License" it would talk to Mama and she would say you are good to go for another year. But, nothing happened... I still have only 3 days left before current license expires.

Please advise. Standing by. Please tell Amma we paid.

Closed (fixed)


There can be short delay between payment and when Virtualmin detects the renewal, but it should only be a few hours at most.

If you click "Re-check licence" now, you will see the new expiry date. Thanks for renewing!

Also, there is a 7-day period before the licence expires that you will see a warning when logging into Virtualmin. And even when it does expire your system won't get shut down or locked out or anything - you just see a big warning message after logging in.

I am experiencing the same problem since I renewed and received confirmation on 3/16/10. Clicking "Re-check License" doesn't fix the problem. I posted a plea for help on the Newbie Forum and e-mailed with no success. What do I need to do to force my server to recognize the licence renewal?

Stella Pool Jefferson-Madison Regional Library Charlottesville, VA

spool - which serial number did you want your licence extension to be applied to? I see a purchase under your account, but no serial numbers are associated with that account .. which would cause this kind of problem.

And let me ask again, it worked. It renewed, but how to we verify that we have 50 domains now?

how to we verify that we have 50 domains now

If you browse to, you'll see a list of all your serial numbers, including how many domains they each have. If you have any further questions, feel free to let us know.

Yes, we know that (smile) it says 10... I paid $65.00

should show 50


Oh, I see the issue now .. you purchases a 50-domain renewal, but not an upgrade from 10 to 50.

Since you could have purchased a 10-domain renewal and then an upgrade to 50 for a lower cost, I will apply the 50-domain upgrade for you now. If you click "re-check license" again, you should see the new limit.

Sorry for the confusion..

It now says 100 (hehe) which we will never use (we are not re-sellers of web space) and next year I would only want to renew 50.

Sorry .. try now, it should say 50 now.

Thanks, closed....