Problem with suexec, can't run CGI based in PERL

We restarted today the Apache, and suddenly all my web that used PERL are not working, I have checked the logs, it says something about SUEXEC. The SUEXEC log says this:

[2010-03-11 12:42:21]: uid: (****) gid: (****) cmd: index.cgi [2010-03-11 12:42:21]: command not in docroot (/usr/home/****/domains/****/public_html/index.cgi)

I have searched for information but most of the posts talk about rebuild Apache, something that is way out of my league.

I need help, urgent.

Closed (fixed)


I have tried to disabled the suexec module but it returns this error:

Starting web server: apache2[Thu Mar 11 13:34:57 2010] [warn] The Alias directive in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf at line 240 will probably never match because it overlaps an earlier Alias. Syntax error on line 2 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/******.conf: Invalid command 'SuexecUserGroup', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration failed!

Hrm, that's odd, have you made any major changes lately?

For example, it looks like your script is running from /usr -- typically, these run from /home.

Are your home directories located in /usr? And if so, has that moved recently?

While ideally, we'd figure out what's different and correct it, one way to get around the problem at least for now would be to disable the suexec feature within the Virtual Servers.

You can use "virtualmin modify-web" for doing that (check out the --no-suexec option).

Finally it is working, I edited the file etc/apache2/suexec/www-data, and changed the path to /home, restarted Apache and now it is working.