A mail alias called user@domain.com already exists


When editing a mailbox, if I expand the Mail Forwarding settings pane and add an entry to the "Forward to other addresses" box I get the following message.

Failed to save mailbox : A mail alias called user@domain.com already exists


If you check the /etc/aliases file on your system, is there a line for user@domain.com already? You could check with a command like :

grep user@domain.com /etc/aliases

Hi Jamie,

No there's nothing in there.

(#506:1u:0r:0s) root@sat001[/h/evan]: grep deanne /etc/aliases
(#507:1u:0r:0s) root@sat001[/h/evan]:

Ok .. which mail server are you using there? Also, are you using LDAP in any way?