I went into Usermin (cause it's the only place that this feature seems to exist), setup a mail filter so that incoming messages from "@virtualmin.com" would be sent to a folder called "virtualmin".
The problem is, all messages are still being placed in the "INBOX" rather than the newly created folder.
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by JamieCameron on Tue, 10/20/2009 - 13:09 Comment #1
Make sure that in Virtualmin at Email Settings -> Spam and Virus Scanning that the "Allow mailbox users to create mail filters?" option is set to "Yes".
Also, make sure that in your filter you selected "contains" instead of "starts with" in the "Based on header" line.
Thanks, that fixed it!
*** enabling "Allow mailbox users to create filters" ***
Just a suggestion, since I feel this false-positive could have been prevented. Perhaps when the feature is disabled via the method above, the Usermin feature could also be disabled therefore not giving the impression that it's available to use. I mean, the procmailrc file was created, the rule appeared in Usermin, there were no errors in the procmail log file, and so I really thought there was a bug because everything lined up that way.
Once again, just my two cents on the matter.
Thanks again for your prompt assistance!
*** Curious: why are there two version of "wbm-virtual-server" (one on Webmin.com * v3.74 * and another on Virtualmin.com * v3.73 *) This has always confused me, as while I only download the one from Virtualmin.com, I've always wondered how safe the one from Webmin.com is, considering I use the GPL version of Virtualmin ***
Submitted by JamieCameron on Tue, 10/20/2009 - 15:33 Comment #3
You are right, there should be a warning on the "Filter and Forward Mail" page when procmail is globally disabled .. but due to a bug, it wasn't being displayed. I'll fix this in the next Usermin release.
The 3.74 version of Virtualmin has been released to GPL users first, and will come for Pro users soon. We intentionally keep it back a few days for additional testing..
The thing is, I'm using the "GPL" verison, however I used the installer from Virtualmin.com, so I'm effectively getting GPL packages from their repo.
Should I update my repo to start using Webmin.com repo from now on?
Submitted by JamieCameron on Tue, 10/20/2009 - 15:45 Comment #5
Ok, we haven't updated the GPL repos with the 3.74 version yet either - that will hopefully happen today.
No worries, just got confused by what you said ;-)
The thing is, I'm using the "GPL" verison, however I used the installer from Virtualmin.com, so I'm effectively getting GPL packages from their repo.
There is no "us" and "them" here. Webmin and Virtualmin are made by the same people.
Virtualmin.com repos are better tested, and slightly slower to be released. Virtualmin.com released software is considered production ready for commercial users; Webmin.com released software follows the Open Source tradition of "release early, release often" and "all bugs are shallow with many eyes".
Since you already know that we strongly recommend using the automated installer, I think you can safely infer that we also recommend you use the Virtualmin.com repository. ;-)
Also note that if there are serious security issues, Virtualmin.com releases will coincide with releases on Webmin.com. The delay is intentional and happens so that you get a better upgrade experience.
Submitted by Issues on Tue, 11/03/2009 - 21:20 Comment #8
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.