All of my Web Pages Are gone

All of the virtual servers are gone. I'm running a Ubuntu 9.04 server with web pages stored on external USB 100 GB drive. Everything was fine until last night.

Is there a problem if I store the web sites on an external USB Harddrive?

Closed (fixed)


Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Tue, 10/13/2009 - 14:58 Pro Licensee

No, Virtualmin doesn't care where you store your websites (though it is easiest for them to be stored on a disk/partition mounted on /home).

But, I have no idea how to guide you on resolving your problem. You've given us nothing to go on. ;-)

Is the disk mounted? Can you read it? Is the website data there?

The websites were on a 100GB USB drive. That proved to be unstable. The mount point would randomly change and I would loose all of my web sites.

I've moved everything to the /var/www/public_html directory. Is that OK?

Web sites are still missing. Strangely I can connect to: and is my public IP address.

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Wed, 10/14/2009 - 20:42 Pro Licensee

The websites were on a 100GB USB drive. That proved to be unstable. The mount point would randomly change and I would loose all of my web sites.

If you're just letting the OS auto-mount it, then yes, that could not be expected to work reliably. You could turn off the auto-mounting, and mount it in fstab. But USB disks probably aren't the best choice for actual production web hosting (USB is a very slow interface, compared to SATA-II).

I've moved everything to the /var/www/public_html directory. Is that OK?

Why not use /home? That's the default in Virtualmin. If you use anything other than home, then you'll need to use a different Apache package than ours (ours is built with suexec pointing to /home). The default CentOS package is pointing at /var/www, so you could use theirs...but we did choose /home for a reason. ;-)

so are you saying move to everything to /home or /home/public_html?

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Wed, 10/14/2009 - 20:58 Pro Licensee


/home/public_html would make no sense. ;-)

There is a public_html inside each virtual servers home directory. For example:


Got it.

If I move everything to /home then from that point on new virtual servers will automatically create the public_html folder.

Ok, moved everything to /home but my web pages are missing. Do I need to do somthing else?

I have a lot of Joomla sites.

My public IP is

Remote Access is enabled.