Delete S3 Bucket Error

I backup twice a month to Amazon S3 and get an error when Virtualmin backup attempts to delete the old backups. Here is the most recent error message:

Deleting S3 bucket vmbackup-09-01-09, which is 30 days old .. .. deletion failed : Failed to delete S3 bucket : The bucket you tried to delete is not empty

And here is the message from two weeks before:

Deleting S3 bucket vmbackup-08-15-09, which is 30 days old .. .. deletion failed : Failed to delete S3 file : We encountered an internal error. Please try again.

There's no problem deleting the entire (full) bucket with S3Fox. Please advise.




If you list the contents of that vmbackup-09-01-09 bucket using S3Fox , what files does it contain? And can they be deleting individually using S3Fox ?

Each baked-up virtual server has the tar.gz file, plus another file with the same name, but with .info appended to it.. Such as:

File Name File Size 78755 1

Yes, I can delete individual files when using S3Fox.

If you manually run the monthly backup again (by starting the monthly cron job that runs /etc/webmin/virtual-server/ , at Webmin -> System -> Scheduled Cron Jobs), does it fail again to delete that bucket?


Yes, the older backup WAS deleted when manually running the scheduled cron.


It's possible then that the deletion of files from those buckets failed , causing the bucket itself to be left around. You can see this in the error from your original post - "Failed to delete S3 file : We encountered an internal error. Please try again.".

Assuming backups happen relatively regularly, even if a bucket is missed like this it will be cleaned up in the next run..

So far out of half a dozen bi-weekly backups, the one I re-ran from the cron is the only successful removal. Amazon storage is dirt cheap, but I normally manually delete to avoid the extra 11 GB of storage fee, so I never gave it a chance to catch it on the next time around.

This certainly isn't a big deal, but I'll keep you posted on whether I experience a successful backup and removal.

Thanks, Brian

Thanks, let me know. Unfortunately if a file deletion S3 call fails, there isn't much Virtualmin can do apart from trying to clean up next time..