Error while creating account. Mail for domain failed! : Can't call method "flock"

While creating account I get this error. The account is created but there's problem creating email accounts.

Adding default mail aliases .. .. Mail for domain failed! : Can't call method "flock" on an undefined value at /usr/libexec/webmin/exim/ line 257.

andreychek asked me to file this bug.

Forum post :

Closed (fixed)


Are you actually using Exim there as your mail server? That would be surprising, as it is rarely used with Virtualmin ..

I tried using Exim but it didnt work. Postfix mail server worked.

Thanx for the fast response....

Regards, Mangesh

Yes, you can switch to Postfix at System Settings -> Module Config -> Mail server to configure.

Does that fix the problem?

Yes it did. Thanx again....

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.