early stumbling blocks.

I was having problems with the ssh keys so I blew them away and started again now I get. Error: No SSH keys have been defined yet

I try to connect to one of our running xen systems to import the existing xen virtual systems and I get the following.

Error: The selected system cannot support Xen instances : The QEMU interface virbr0 is active, which can break networking for Xen instances. On Redhat-derived systems, remove the file /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml and then reboot.

Closed (fixed)


For the SSH keys, you need to add them at Cloudmin Settings -> SSH Keys.

Regarding that Xen error, it is a warning about a known issue that can break Xen networking in some cases. I recommend editing /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml on the host system, commenting out all lines with # and then rebooting.

However, if you are already hosting Xen instances on that system with no problems, this can be ignored..

I have added and removed keys of various types in Cloudmin Settings -> SSH Keys.

I think I have tried all the permutations of key creation.

On the Xen error. If I delete the bridge I can add the system. the comment should be "brctl delbr virbr0" It will save the need for the reboot.

I guess the virbr0 is not required but comes as part of the qemu install that is part of the XEN HVM stuff.

possibly you should test for an ignore flag because some may be using the virbr stuff and the system import will not be allowed with this in place.

When exactly are you getting that SSH keys error? Is it in response to some API command, or one some page in Cloudmin?

If I try to import a running ec2 instance. In the ssh section the dropdown box has "no ssh keys have been defined yet".

Ok, the problem here is that you need to register your EC2 SSH keys with Cloudmin first, specifically the one used to login to the instance you want to import.

Go to Cloudmin Settings -> SSH Keys -> Add a new SSH key , and select "Import existing EC2 key". You will need to choose your key, and enter its private key data into the text box below..


I found it. I was suffering through 2 problems. My key on my ec2 instance was wrong.