nameservers are not working.

Created Domain Placed nameservers in Go Daddy.

Verified that and are entered under the Master record in the BIND DNS server.

I can ping both nameservers and mail server from the Main Server. I can only ping the nameservers from a computer off the domain. I cannot ping off the domain.


Closed (fixed)


Ok. Making progress.
First of all made sure the proper ports are open on the router. Used port forwarding on port 53,1053, and10000. So that the DNS server can talk to the world.

Now I can see the web page off domain.

Any idea what ports are needed by the nameservers?

PS: Port Forwarding on Port 53 is enabled. PS: Port Forwarding on Port 42 (nameserver) is enabled.

The nameserver needs port 53 for both UDP and TCP protocols.

The good news

DNSStuff is telling me that my nameservers respond. I just need to make it create A records and stuff.

Everything works now. Open the ports on the router ie: 53,25,110,143,1025,10000

And never, never, never trust

FYI, you can always verify A and MX records under Webmin > Servers > BIND DNS Server > {Select Domain} > Edit Records File.

Now everything works!