Failed to open upload: null

Not sure exactly if this is a Virtualmin issue or Webmin, however when trying to upload content using the File Manager Webmin module in Virtualmin I get an error stating "Failed to open upload: null".

IE 8 works fine, the error only comes when using Fire Fox 3.5. I tried restarting the browser, clearing the cache, etc., however the issue persists in Fire Fox.


Closed (fixed)


Are you running Firefox on Windows there?

Also, if you check the "Java console" in your browser, do you see any stack trace or error message when trying the upload?

Yes, Jamie, this is a Windows machine.

The error message I find in the Java console is:

liveconnect: the url of the applet is https: // and the permission is = false

The server address is my server's proper address and the space betwee https: and the first forward slash does not exist in the error. I had to do something to keep from having HTML markup inserted into my post.


One thing to check - are popup windows allowed in your browser? Because the upload button triggers a popup, which on my system prompts the browser to ask for permissions .. but depending on your settings may be totally blocked.

That's not the problem, popups from my server are allowed and what's more, some of the tools do work. I can click on edit and edit a file, can click on new file to create a file, info work. Other tools, upload included, do not work.

What I have found that do not work are:

  • New (icon immediately to the left of Upload looks like Fire Fox icon)
  • Upload

The error for both is identical.

Everything else works... It's kind of strange.


The two buttons are a little different, as they open browser popup windows while all the rest open Java windows.

Does this also happen on different browsers? Or on different machines?

I have tried it on different browsers and only FF 3.5 was failing. I re-installed the java runtime and that seemed to fix what ever happened, which probably means there was a problem with my browser on my machine.

Thanks though.
