Purcahsed new license for VirtualMin Pro

I purchased a license 4 days ago now, and i was wondering when it would be mailed out? i can provide the details/exact time it was purchased if ncessary.


Gus Swendson

Closed (fixed)


Order #: 1811 Products Subtotal: $138.00 ------ Total for this Order: $138.00

Products on order: 1 x Virtualmin 10 Annual License - $138.00 SKU: vm10

Howdy -- your serial number and installation script should be available to you at this URL:


If you're using one of the supported Linux distros on a clean install, you can just grab the install.sh at that URL, run that, and you should be good to go!

dude you champion :)

thanks i feel as if i should of known that? tho it wasnt written anywhere :)

thabks again !

If that's not written anywhere, that's a big failure on our part, and I'm very sorry :-)

That was listed during the purchase process on the previous site. It's possible that on this new website, the URL didn't make it onto any of the pages.

I'll get with Joe to check on that.


Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Thu, 07/09/2009 - 01:35 Pro Licensee

OK, so I see now why this wasn't appearing correctly in the My Account page (it should now appear there with the tab title "Software Licenses" next to "Orders").

I also think I see why the link wouldn't have shown up for you when the order confirmation page appeared (there are two code paths in the shopping cart: one for logged in users, and one for users that are registering while ordering, and they each end on a different page; one didn't have the link).

Apologies for the confusion.