ssh backup failing

Backing up Virtualmin settings (Module configuration, Server templates) ..
.. done

Uploading archive to SSH server ..
.. upload failed! ssh: connect to host port 10000: Connection
timed out
lost connection

Backup failed! See the progress output above for the reason why. Total backup time
was 08 minutes, 50 seconds.

The above is the output from a 'saved backup' that happens every week, and has done so for the past year. This error has occurred after the recent upgrade to 3.70

The file on the backup server is 'backups/%d-%m-%Y'. The file with the date is created on the backup server, but is empty with the above output when done manually through Virtualmin as well.

Closed (fixed)



I notice that this has already been addressed in another ticket.

Kindly close.

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Sun, 07/05/2009 - 18:33 Pro Licensee

Dupe of 10423 and 10403.

Confirmed fixed after 3.70-3 update