mailman lists not converting when doing a "change domain name"

When changing a domain name for a virtual server, the mailman mailing lists do not change to reflect the new domain. If you need details, let me know.

Closed (fixed)


This problem came up in this forum thread:

It sounds like upon changing the domain name, the mailman lists no longer appear to be associated with the Virtual Server.

Part of this was corrected by manually changing the domain names listed in this file:


However, jahlewis is seeing the old domain mentioned in some places still. As an example, he offered:

"if you go into the "manage mailing list", then embedded links to "moderate messages" etc. still show the old domain"

Ok, I see the bug that causes the list association to be incorrect .. I'll fix this in the next release of the Mailman plugin.

Changing references to the domain in the config for the Mailman list itself isn't going to be possible though, as these are stored in Mailman's configuration database, to which there is no easy access from other programs as far as I can see :-(

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Sun, 06/14/2009 - 12:08 Pro Licensee

There are Mailman commands for working with the database.

Something like:

/usr/lib/mailman/bin/withlist -l -r fix_url listname -v -u

Cool, I didn't know about that! I will look into using those..

Ok, the next release of the Mailman plugin will update the list hostname and owner's email address when a domain is renamed..

Don't forget the apache Regexp URL redirects for the domain as well.

The apache redirects should already be updated .. or is this not working for you?

No, it did not update the apache redirects for mailman when I did the domain name change. We did it manually.

The next Virtualmin release fixes this too..

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.